We have specialist knowledge in leasing arrangements for pathology approved collection centres.
For almost 10 years we have prepared and negotiated hundreds of leases and sub-leases for one of Australia’s leading pathology providers.
We understand the issues between pathology providers and health facility requestors and how to best structure the leasing arrangements in co-located centres, such as medical practices.
We understand and advise on the complex issues surrounding Medicare Australia licensing requirements and how those licences are issued following the entering into of a lease.
The medical industry faces numerous complexities under the “prohibited practices regime” in the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth).
We have assisted a number of health providers in responding to the Australian Department of Health’s regulatory regime under that Act.
Our approach is always to put our client’s best foot forward when engaging with the Department and ensuring all leasing arrangements involving a co-located approved collection centre complies with the Act.
If you would like advice on how to respond to any Department queries you may have received, or would like advice about whether a lease or other commercial arrangement complies with the Act, please contact us.